Friday, August 29, 2008

Lynch and Information Technology Literacy

The point that stands out the most for me in Lynch's article, Information Literacy and Information Technology Literacy: New Components in the Curriculum for a Digital Culture, is what he called "skill-oriented training" and what it fails to do.

Lynch says that we're sending college graduates out into a world where being information technology literate is an essential element for their success. Yet institutions are failing in their duties to provide these new graduates with the proper skills. It is one thing to be able to use a PC or perhaps a MAC, it is an entirely different animal when one has to articulate problems to a tech support provider. It is more often the case that users are incapable of communicating their problem because they either lack the vocabulary and/or the understanding of the systems with which they work.

While I fear the course, Understanding Technology, because I am one of those users who lack advanced technical knowledge, I welcome the experience. I don't want to be one of those ignorant users nor do I want to leave my graduate program without the ability to understand the basics of the systems I may encounter in my career.

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