Friday, October 17, 2008

HTML, CSS...again with the acronyms!

Don't get me wrong...(the subject line may appear as though I am not happy about HTML & CSS)I am thrilled to be learning this stuff. Tried to learn it on my own several years ago...wish that I had known about this website.  Although, it is possible that it wasn't around when I needed it.  The traditionally published manuals were murky at best.  The pages explaining HTML and CSS were magnificently lucid and full of lovely examples for those of us who are tragically behind in the world of webpage design and construction.  Can't wait to be able to construct webpages using the tools I have just learned.   Then I can be a part of the WWW and become a contributor to the digital architecture (cool new terminology, woo hoo!) therein....yeah, yeah, I know I am about to get all sorts of abuse from some of the folks who comment on this blog.  I just couldn't resist using "digital architecture" in this entry.  

1 comment:

kmosser said...