Friday, October 31, 2008

Week 9 - XML, just when i was trying to understand html???

At first glance the Extensible Mark up Language looks quite intimidating. In Bryan's article, I understood SGML but when he jumped right into DTD and its applications I was lost and floundering...for the rest of the article I was deeply befuddled. The next piece by Ogbuji saved me from the murky waters of XML.

This article was not only explained that XML was a more semantic approach to annotating text but it provided a clear description fo how XML works with SGML and HTML as well as the merits of using XML.

The tutorials were useful on some level but I am jst getting my head around using HTML and feel very inexerienced in this stuff. In my case, I think I will have to revisit these tutorials after I have attempted to create the first page of our last assignment. Once I have a practical application of the HTML then I might be able to compare the use of XML for certain documents.


spk said...

yes, just when one thinks they are getting a grasp on things, there is sudden increase in the sophistication of the material and several more acronyms to cozy up to...the "good" news is that most of the other LIS folks don't get it either, so take heart, we're all "deeply befuddled".

Justin Charles Hite said...

Yeah, I've never used XML and it seems like a lot more work to control some layout options. One good thing about it is if you take the time to make a style sheet then you can essentially use your own tags to program HTML.